This weeks Unplugged Project theme was: "J"
We choose to have our "J" stand for jack-0-lantern--just perfect for the autumn season.
First, I kept the little kids busy gluing together these cute jack-o-lanterns which I printed and cut out for them.
I wish I had the exact link for these, but I didn't save the link and when I tried to search for it, I came up with many, many different printables.
You need:
orange yarn
a syrofoam ball --ours was 6 inches--I wish is had been quite a bit smaller than this
black fun foam (or black felt)
If kids are doing this, there will be a knot problem!
Hang up and enjoy!!
I plan on making a bunch of small jack-o-lantern windsocks to decorate outside the house this October.
Stop over at the Unplugged Project site to see everyone's great activities.
Next week's Unplugged Project is: WEATHER
Check out all the We Made It Friday Showcase at Ramblings of a Crazy woman.
Hi Joann, I just saw your most recent post, and Elsie just did the same cut and paste jack-o-lantern a couple days ago. I wanted to send you the link since you said you couldn't find it. It was (on the right hand column). I actually printed out the black and white version and Elsie colored it. I love your yarn jack-o-lantern. We might just have to try this!
LOVE this!!
So many cute ideas floating around everywhere. Great showcase post. ;)
Ohhhhh....this is great! Thanks for sharing!
Great idea for "J" and appropriate for the season too. The yarn jack-o-lantern would be good here today as it is very windy. Thanks for joining in again!
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