This weeks
Unplugged Project is: Words. I decided to have the kids write acrostic poems for the topic of Words. It was a challenge for Mark and Grace because we hadn't talked about this type of poem before, but after a while they got the hang of it.

As they were writing their poems, I came to realize that the kids do not lack self-esteem.

We may have this weeks theme be "humility".

We did an Easter Acrostic together. I was very pleased with the words they came up with. Kimberly then decorated it with our Easter egg stickers.
Next weeks theme is: TRANSPORTATION
Heehee. I'm sure that if I asked my 3 year old for words to describe herself, "princess" would be in there somewhere. :) She thinks very highly of herself. Far be it from me to bring her down to earth. The world will do that soon enough, right?
We loved doing these. My older girls still like doing them, even now. Great work!
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