Our day began with the transformation of our crown of thorns. It now is beautiful, with flowers and a lovely white cande. The kids successfully removed all the thorns during lent to show Jesus how much they loved Him and to thank Him for his sacrifice for us.

In the morning, our table was transformed, and we had had a visit from the Easter bunny.

The Easter bunny was up to his old tricks, and the baskets were very hard to find--for some of the kids.

Luke was very excited!

Kimberly was introduced for the first time to PEZ---she doesn't like them.

At breakfast we enjoyed
resurrection rolls.

When we bit into our rolls, they were empty, just like Jesus' tomb on Easter morning.

They are educational, and very yummy!--This was the only food that wasn't ALL sugar that Luke ate today!

Our Easter desserts to share at Aunt Catherine's house. (sugar)

Let the gathering begin.

It was a day to get to know our newest relative, Maddy!

It was then time to hunt for Easter eggs. Since the temperatures didn't get out of the 30's today, I borrowed a winter coat and hat for Kimberly. Kimmy probably won't be happy about these pictures in years to come, but it certainly will be a fun family memory.

Aunt Mary provided last minute instructions.

The hunt is on!!


Big kids are assigned to little kids in the annual hunt.

Grace and Mark

Has Amy had too much sugar, or is just getting annoyed at the photographer?

Do you think this boy will ever fall asleep tonight? (He has eaten nothing but sugar all day.)
p.s. it is 10 pm now and he is still going stong

It may have been 30 degrees today, but the sunshine was glorious!
oooh! I love how the crown of thorns became that lovely candle! Did I miss that on a Lenten Adventure when I was sick, or are you just a genius? Our daughter too got all her thorns freed, so basically the crown left the table and our home with His rising. I LOVE your idea more! Love the bean jar and lilies!!
Love all the pics! You and your family are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your Easter! AMEN!
What a beautiful post - thanks for sharing it all. I liked assigning big kids to little kids for the hunt - great idea!
What a beautiful display of Easter pictures! In our family, DH & I are the ones who ended up w/ the sugar highs (& the lows afterwards). Now, how did that happen!?
Have a blessed Easter season!
LOVE the pics, Joann! And the resurrection rolls ~ what a great idea! Y'all coming down from the sugar high, yet, this Easter Monday? We're still buzzing a little at our house (I had to hide the candy from the littlest! YIKES!)
What a blessed Easter! Those Resurrection Rolls were such a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing the photos with us.
Love your blog title...when my husband proposed to me, I was in shock...he looked at me and said, who else will give you ten kids and a dog? I said kill the dog and make it eleven...then said yes!!! We are ready to celebrate 20 years of marriage and expecting #12 in Sept!!! +JMJ+
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