Friday, December 31, 2010
Kids in the Kitchen---The Creamiest Hot Cocoa
A knit Right to Life "ribbon"
{this moment}
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Winter Scene Handprint Art
which will start next week.
I saw some Christmas snowman ornaments using handprints but I just wanted to make a winter scene. It was quick and easy and I had everything I needed already in the house.
white paint-(I used acrylic paint)
black construction paper
sharpie markers
marker that write on black paper
glitter (We really love glitter)
First we painted our hands white and "stamped" them onto the black paper.
Using the sharpie markers we added faces and scarves and hats.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Alpaca Scarf has Been Completed
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Yarn Along...
I was gifted with this beautiful brown alpaca yarn last year from this very special lady, and have finally gotten around to turning it into a super soft scarf for my teenage daughter, Laura. The brown is so pretty mixed with flecks of tan and a hint of pink here and there. I have a few more inches and then I will block it. Next week I will post a photo of my beautiful Laura modeling it.
I have begun the book, Stay a Little Longer by Dorothy Garlock. I believe I saw this title on someones previous "Yarn Along" post. I am only a couple chapters into it and so far so good. I am trying to spend a half hour or so a day reading for myself---this, of course is after spending hours reading school books, picture books and living history books out loud to my little learners.
One of my favorite parts of knitting is the giving away of my work....and this past week I was blessed to see on facebook my new grand-nephew, Jacob, wrapped in the love I knit for him. You can check out this completely gorgeous baby on his momma's blog.
The alpaca scarf is now can check it out here.
A Simple Woman's Daybook--A Christmas Season Daybook
Outside my window... The nor'eastern missed central New York, but the snow still remains on the ground from the 3 feet we received a couple weeks ago. There is never a shortage of snow in the "lake effect" snow regions of this part of the country. The temp is 26 degrees...much better than yesterday's single digits.
I am thinking... about doctors and medicine and how to be the best mother I can when struggling with health issues
I am thankful for... Doctors and medicine and knowledge that wasn't available years ago. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who takes such good care of us, and children who are happy, fed and snug in a warm home.
From the learning rooms... The learning room (also known as the kitchen table) is filled with Christmas games and Christmas crafts. The tiny bit of learning going on is Gracie's daily practice of her multiplication facts....She is on her 8 facts and I don't want her to "lose" what she has memorized, so everyday we find a game online to help her review her facts.
From the kitchen... not much...we like to call days like these "free for all" days. I would like to bake something this morning to warm up the house....and later this week will be a big grocery shop so that next week I can have a plan (hopefully)!
I am wearing... gray sweat pants, hubby's lucky Yankee t-shirt, and my bathrobe....I am moving slowly this morning and these are my pj's....
I am creating... a beautifully soft, brown, alpaca yarn scarf for my Laura. I love working with this yarn. I will also create lesson plans for next week's school...I WILL...I WILL
I am going... I am going nowhere this morning as hubby has the van at work. Hopefully we will get to the library this afternoon and if my energy holds out and my cold lets up a little I will go visit my mom and dad this evening.
I am reading... Our read aloud from Advent was Bartholomew's Passage. We have a few chapters to finish up..(it is still Christmas!) Our quiet time book on cd is James and the Giant Peach. I hope to start reading Stay a Little Longer by Dorothy Garlock sometime this week. It is hard to find "pleasure reading" time for myself but hope to squeeze out a few minutes every day for just that. We are also reading many, many Christmas picture books because it is still the season of Christmas.
I am hoping...for peaceful, calm days and sleep filled nights
I am hearing... nothing from the 4 sleeping teenagers who are enjoying their Christmas break, Mark's fingers on the computer keyboard across the room, and little children talking from the closets on walkie talkie's........
Around the house... I really need to get this place decluttered and cleaned-up, but I believe that will wait until after Christmas
One of my favorite things... a very cozy 5 year old who stills finds his way to my bed early in the morning wearing his fuzzy pajamas. A 5 year old who needs to "share" my pillow in the morning, but kicks his poor daddy to make more room for himself.
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week ... A little more celebrating and then making plans for the long winter days ahead.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Monday, December 27, 2010