I first saw this idea
here. There are few things that hold the attention of children more than a plain set of blocks, unless you add the Nativity characters to the blocks.
This opens up a whole new world of Christmas fun....and the kids can't break this Nativity scene.

All that you need are blocks, Nativity stickers (I found our sticker books at Michael's Craft store) and Modge Podge....or you could use watered down white glue.

Apply the stickers to the blocks and then liberally paint on a layer of Modge Podge.
This will make the stickers remain in place for a very long time.

Gracie's beautiful angel.

The whole set of block drying....while eager hands wait their turn to play, play, play.

I hope everyone, young and old, is having a very meaningful and prayerful Advent.
These are so cute...I love the stickers! Where did you get your blocks?
What a wonderfully clever idea!!
I love it! I have seen these, but never quite "qot it". We could do this. :) Thanks for sharing.
Dear Joanne,
Lovely idea where do you get such cool stickers though?
I had intended to make some using scrapbook paper...creating my own, but this would be lots easier!
Thank you! I LOVE this idea. Our ceramic nativity set has to stay packed away until the kids are older. I've searched the thrift shops for a more durable set and we have the FP one, but the simplicity of this really appeals to me!
Great idea to use the stickers!
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