Homemade Caramel Corn
8 cups popped popcorn
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1/4 c. butter (real butter is a must)
3 TBLS. corn syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. vanilla
On the stove over meduim low heat melt butter, brown sugar,corn syrup and salt. Stir this until it melts and begins to boil.
A full boil looks like this. After it begins to boil, cook without stirring for 3 minutes.
Remove from heat and add baking soda and vanilla. This makes it foam up and look like the above photo.
Mix into popcorn. Stir well to coat evenly over the popcorn. This is a very sticky and hot time in the process of making the caramel corn.
Bake at 300 degrees for 13-15 minutes. It always seems to take my popcorn 13 minutes to look golden brown and not burned. You can start to smell it if it gets too"done", remove quickly from oven if this happens, it is still good unless it is in for several extra minutes. If it burns it tastes "yucky" according to small children and big children alike.
Use a large spatula to put this very hot popcorn in a big plastic bowl. We stir and shake it as it cools so that is doesn't become one giant popcorn ball. Continue shaking for several minutes until it is cool. We often do this step outside in the cold autumn air of central NY. (and it has been in the 30's in the morning lately)
My teenage helper, Amy, prefers to use a knife to stir as she cools the corn.
All that is left to do is to call the littles. First we always have to smell the caramel corn,
This is very addicting. Our family of 12 can finished off 32 cupfuls of this in a day---boy, that's a lot of caramel corn.
Make sure to check out all the great Simply Made Sunday recipes at Raising Itty-Bitty Bookworms.
DELICIOUS!! My kids would love this!
Like your new header too:-).
Finally, a great recipe/activity to do and I have all the ingredients! My kids thank you in advance for making their Monday sweet.
That looks really GOOD! I bet this would make a great gift wrapped in celephane with a pretty bow! Everyone loves carmel corn!
That looks SOOOO good. Yum!
Love your fall background, too! SO pretty!
OH! This is perfect! I can't wait to make this with my kids. They will love it!!
It's such a great treat for large families. Thanks!!
your post sounded like my carmel corn, but my recipe is larger.
2 c brown sugar
1/2 Tbl salt
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
8 quarts popcorn
I use those big deep turkey aluminnum pans. And it goes in the 200 oven for 1.5 hrs stirring every 15 min.
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