Kimberly is currently 36 months old. 
It was another week of beautiful weather, but we still managed to get some
Tot-School accomplished.

Kimmy loves using her
animal baby stamp set, and this week she made patterns with her stamps. I also showed her how to stamp the correct number of animals in a given numbered box. She managed the numbers one and two, but she preferred to stamp without rules. We will be working on this more!

I also made some new laminated wipe off books. You can find many, many printables at
Childcare Land. Above Kimberly is working on tracing the letters of the alphabet. I print these pages on cardstock, laminate them and bind them together with metal rings.

Dry erase markers are used on these so Kim can do them over and over.

I keep them in a wicker basket during school time and the kids choose what they want to work on.

We made lovely

We used real sunflower seeds on our sunflowers. They come out great!

We have been learning about insects and
made this bee.

Where's Kimberly?

We also made these
paper bowl bees.

Putting on the stripes.


Everyone have fun with a
new water rocket.

Kimberly gets a great lesson from a great Daddy!

Kimberly's patience is improving and she can now sit and complete one of her
pattern block puzzles. This is a great, new accomplishment for her!

On the domestic front, everytime I do laundry, Kimmy is quick to run to help me fold the washclothes.

Look at that pile!! She is very good at this job!!
Wow! She can do so many things! I love the pattern block puzzles. I have some plastic blocks and have been looking for simple patterns to print for RockerTot. I guess I'll just make my own on card stock. I also loved your reusable tracing pages... and the water rocket.. and the wash cloths. RockerTot has been trying to help fold the wash cloths, but he doesn't get it yet. For now, he just loves to unload the dryer for me. Thanks for sharing!!
I love childcareland as well and get so many activities from there. I'm thinking about getting the pattern blocks for my LO when she turns 3 next month, they look like a great activity for a 3 year old. Love all of the stuff you are sharing.
It looks like you had a fun week. The bee bowls were so cute. I also like the stamping idea. My oldest loves to play with his stamps. I will have to try this with him soon.
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