Kimberly turns 3 this week!

Luke is now a Tot-School graduate. He turns 4 this week, (after being 3 with his sister for a few days.) I am sure though, that we will still be seeing him among the future
Tot-School posts.

We have begun a "big bug" unit. I have many plans for studying insects, incorporating both big and little learners.

You can see a more indepth post about our l
adybugs here.

Our wonderful ladybugs have joined our other magnet creatures on the fridge.

A great activity we did this past week was
button caterpillars.

They are now crawling around in our flowers and plants.

Coffee filters, medicine droppers and liquid water color paint made some
lovely butterflies.

We loved the dropper, coffee filter painting so much, we have many beautiful pieces of artwork awaiting projects.

The weather has been unseasonably warm and sunny. Spring has sprung gloriously, and we have been enjoying every minute of it. Mark and Grace built a "bridge" over the tiny stream out back and Luke loves practicing his balance.

Kimberly still needs a little help from a friend--big sister Laura.

Kimberly picked
this puzzle activity off the shelf all on her own. She also successfully completed it all on her own for the first time!!

Way to go, Kimberly!!

We have been having fun with gardening. Our beans have grown very tall.

We have now transplanted them into a big container and they are outside--except when the temps fall below freezing. Hopefully we will first get blossoms and then a few beans.
We made daffodils using egg carton sections.

We seem to do more crafting around here than anything else---maybe this week we will get to more "schooly" activities.

It is hard to tell the homemade daffodils, for the God-made daffodils.

We spent part of the week in this position---poor, yucky sick boy. After about 48 hours Luke was back to his old self.

Another beautiful nature day at Oneida creek.
It seems so fun and peaceful at your house. I would love to come play! Love the daffodils!
love your flowers! and the coffee filters turned out soo pretty!!!:)
I love the button caterpillars. We are studying the letter B next week and this would be a good activity as would the butterfly! I am definitely bookmarking your site! Thanks for sharing.
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