Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alex the Great-caterpillar-day-28

This morning, we discovered that Gracie's caterpillar, Anjolina, had turned into a very pretty, respecticle, ladylike chrysalis. She is two days younger than Alex the Great, but seems to be doing what she is supposed to do.

But as I told you yesterday, we thought Alex the Great may had met his demise when we found him under the kitchen table. His container had fallen off the table, and we soon found him clinging to a piece of foam poster board that was leaning up against the wall, behind the table bench.
Not a very safe spot, especially since 12 people cram around this table every day to eat. He also looked a little strange after his escape ordeal.
Here he is. Danger! Danger! Danger!
Laura posted a plea to the family to remember that he is down here.
This morning I decided he was dead, so I told the kids we would remove him from the house this afternoon. Literally minutes later, one of the kids called to everyone, "He is changing!!"

If you have never seen the actual moment a caterpillar turns into a charysalis, it is, well, gross. His skin splits and he wriths around for at least ten minutes, as his green skin kind of sheds again, revealing the final home, where a metamorphisis is about to begin.

Alex the Great is all his beautiful green glory.


Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

My kids just got caught up with your caterpillar adventures. Thank you so much for sharing them!

Rhonda said...

Oh I am so glad that Alex the Great made it! My girls and I are looking forward to your new arrivals and will be coming by often.