Sunday, August 19, 2007

Our Church Picnic 2007!!

We had a wonderful parish picnic this afternoon with a lot of good food and many good friends and family. The cooks were all great.
Grandma and Grandpa were very hungry and were the first in line.

Luke enjoyed his ice cream the most,

and Kim did a good job on her cone too.

Following lunch everyone enjoyed games of every kind.

Of course, no church picnic would be complete without bows and arrows.(???)

We played--tie a balloon to very small children's legs and watch what happens.

Not much happened--until the balloons popped by themselves on the grass, and then the very small children all cried.

It was a much different kind of game when played by big kids and adults.

The very small children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt. (O.K., but they don't know it is not Easter)

Middle sized children are all set to start the sack race.

Ready, set, go!!!!

Mark learned that it is not a good idea to wear his father's sunglasses during a sack race.

Very small children also found a way to enjoy the sack race.

This was our version of the three legged race. (no broken ankle's this way)

Matt and Abby look like the team to beat.

The bigger kids also enjoyed wheelbarrow racing.

Some real big kids played too, but they didn't win, in fact they almost killed each other.

The day ended happily with friends and

water balloons.

It was another a great day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We ar very blessed to have such a family-oriented parish. God works His miracles for all. Kim