Fifty years ago today my parents were married. They have had their share of ups and downs, and with God's mercy they have had many more ups than downs.
Today they renewed their wedding vows.
This is how they looked 50 years ago,
and as you can see in this picture, they share just as much love today as they did then.
All ten children were at church together for this occasion so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take a family photo.

Following mass, Grandma and Grandpa treated us all out to brunch. I have to say, I was very proud of all the children. They acted like perfect ladies and gentlemen.
Thank-you Grandma and Grandpa.
When we arrived home, it was such a lovely day we decided to take a trip to the zoo. I went and got the mail and to Laura'a excitement we recieved her "CAT" test results. Now, any homeschooler out there knows the stress these standardized tests put on a student, and Laura is know exception. She has been waiting for two weeks for the results to arrive and today was finally the day. We opened them up and found that she received an overall percentile grade of 81. She was very, very happy. So happy in fact that she ran through the house cheering, and eventually catching her little toe on the refrigerator grate, tearing her skin hard enough that it required 4 stitches to close-up the wide open wound.
So much for the zoo,
but Laura did get a milkshake for her pain. She also received french fries for the tetenus shot that she had to get.

This is where Laura will be sitting for the next 7-10 days-no swmming, no hiking, no flip flops. Basically we will put summer on hold for the next week just for her.