Kimberly is currently 36 months old
Our week started with a wonderful family day, which included a parade which Kimberly enjoyed very much.

This is how she watched most of the parade. We live in a small town, and most of the parade consists of firetrucks, which will honk horns and blow off sirens if encouraged from the crowd.

We also enjoyed (all of the kids) ice cream from an ice cream truck----as I said, we live in a small town, and this was the first ice cream truck even encountered!

The older kids have begun a backyard bird study and Kimmy is not being left behind.

She can identify quite a few of our visiting birds, especially the goldfinch,

and house finch. These are our the birds that visit us the most. She can also name a cardinal, robin, and chickadee.

Our nursery rhyme of the week was "I'm a Little Teapot". Kim decorated a teapot by gluing on torn pieces of construction paper.

We talked about mosaic art, and it came out very cute.
And for your listening pleasure, Kimberly's version of "I'm a Little Teapot".

We have also been practicing making shapes with Magnext toys. I would make the shape and then Kim copied the shape on her own. She was able to do this quite well with simple shapes like triangles and squares.

I also enjoyed one on one time baking with Kim this week. 
She was so proud to make brownies for everyone,
especially her Daddy!
We also planted our sunflower house this week.

Now we will have to see how much patience Kimmy has.

And our favorite books of the week:
Sunflower House

To Be Like the Sun
Make sure to check out all the Tot school post this week.