Kimberly was born 5/3/06
There may be two feet of snow on the ground, and the temperature has been below zero more than above zero this week, but it was warm in the house and Tot-School was going full force for my little learners.
Word World has seemed to become a favorite Tot School activity this week.
Luke has been working hard on the letter A this week. Most of the printables for the letter A came from the First-School website. Above Luke is glueing an alligator picture together. We are going to put all the "A" activities into an alphabet notebook. (when time permits--right now they are in a folder)
Luke's "A" book.
Working hard. He can actually make capital A's better without tracing them. I am not sure why, but he gets very upset when his pencil wanders off the letter-causing him to scribble over the entire page.
A simple activity is to have the kids circle the letter we are working on. They both like doing this. Don't worry about Luke's pencil grip here-this is the only day he wrote like this-he is now back to normal.
Kimberly is working on her numbers. She now can recongize numbers 1-5 consistantly, so this week I added the numbers 6-10. I used my paper punch to cut out the hearts-I hadn't done this before, and now need to get some more shapes-I can imagine alot of uses for "quick" shapes.
then glued the numbers onto paper, in order, with a lot of help. She just loves to glue!
The Teachingtinytots website has begun hosting a weekly reading theme challenge. We share our ideas surrounding a theme and a picture book. Last weeks theme was 5 Little Ducks.
You can see my post about this book here.
Luke made this very cute duckling for our reading theme.
Kim and Luke enjoyed re-enacting the story/song over and over using these printables from DLTK.
I made a new math activity this week.
It is quite simple, but enjoyed by both tots.
Kimberly used it as much for color matching as for counting.
On the back of the "color" side, I left the columns blank so that Luke can really practice his number recognition and counting.
Laura has been a great help with "tot school". She enjoys doing schoolwork with the littles. Above is Kimberly after Laura helped her with our shape puzzle.
You can see my post about this book here.
Make sure to visit Carisa, for more Tot School ideas.
Looks like fun, you gave me some new ideas ;)
love the duplo idea. I'll have to use that one with my boys! :) Lord knows we have enough of them around our house!!
You always have such wonderful lessons with them. That math activity was a really neat idea. Great work!
I really like your math activity with the duplos - going to give that one a try. :-) Thank you!
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