Luke's was born on 5/6/2005
Kimberly was born on 5/3/2006

Things this week at Tot School seemed to revolve around fun and less around academics. Which was fine with everyone here!

Kim and Luke had fun sorting and organizing snowman cards which were in my preschool
Mailbox magazine. This magazine is one of my favorite, non-internet, resource.

Following the snowman theme, I printed these cute
Do-A-Dot pages from
DLTK-kid crafts.

These paints are something we get out several times a week.

I also had Luke and Kim help me to cook this week-for the
Operation Playtime fun.

These two don't often get to be my "highlighted" helpers, but this week they were, and they had a lot of fun.

Kimberly also learned patience waiting for the cookies to cool.

Keeping with our snowy theme we made picture frames out of craft foam and foam snowflake stickers.

This week we are going to make winter pictures using black construction paper and chalk to put in out frames.

Grace help me make Luke and Kim a train for our wall to keep track of the books we read. Several years ago, when Grace and Mark were tots, we had a caterpillar crawling along, getting bigger as we read more books.

Now we have this train, chugging along the wall near the ceiling. On each train car we write a book that we have read. I am going to add cars once or twice a week so that our train grows at an impressive rate.

We always have a lot of books from the library to keep us busy and to make our train grow.

This week the kids got their first opportunity to fingerpaint.
I made homemade fingerpaint using a recipe I found at
Creative Kids at Home. I made the original recipe and am very pleased with it, and it cleaned up suprisingly well.
Notice Kimberly's pointer fingers, it took much encouragement for her to use more than these two fingers, but she finally did it.

Make sure to check out more Tot-School posts at 1+1+1=1.
1 comment:
If I had a Tot, they would definitely have their lessons over at your house! Fun, fun, fun!
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