Today we enjoyed a wonderful family outing......
but these family outings are changing...
It seems like just yesterday this photo would have been of 10 stair step children, chaotic, happy, ever moving children. Children that caused much worry in the parents as they tried to keep an eye on little people all eager to go their own way .

Now, a Daddy can sit, as big kids take little kids on rides. Little children so anxious to ride with a sister who no longer lives at home.....a place of honor with the biggest sister.

Big brothers are now working. Everyone can't be together very often.
One brother is far away, but always in our thoughts and prayers.

The dynamics are changing, but change can be very sweet.
The love the "littles" have for the "bigs" is amazing.

My prayer is that these children always stay close to each other, whether they are near of far apart, because even at their young age, they are learning that even distance can't stop strong family love.

I saw this love today.....and it made me feel so very blessed.....