This post shows some of what it took to get to the celebration. Everyone pitched in and we made the hour and a half trip smoothly- arriving one hour early-congratulations Mom and Dad.

We looked at these lovely flowers in our yard and found pussy willows on a walk out in the fields. We continued walking and wandered off the main path (I know a short cut). We came to the edge of the woods, but there was a ditch between us and home. I lifted up Grace, so she wouldn't fall into the mud, I swung her over the ditch and proceeded fall in myself. I went home, and changed my clothes.
After dinner I fell asleep in my chair for three hours, therefore , it is now 11:58 and I am blogging.
Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day.
We also have a big caterpillar crawling along our wall. Each circle body part has the name of a book we have read on it. When we get to fifty books the kids will get a present. (a new book)