Thursday, November 12, 2009

Looking at the Sky on Friday-A November Sky

This is the evening sky on November 12 in the hills of Madison County New York.
I grabbed the camera and my husband,
and had him drive me up into the hills.
We weren't disappointed!

Check out all the Looking at the Sky photos here, and why don't you play along!


EJ said...

The color of the sky goes well with the layout of your blog, great shots especially the first one!

Come and see 2-in-1 scene in the Land of the Morning Calm

Calico Crazy said...

Just fabulous, those colors are magnificent! ~ Calico Contemplations

Amazing Gracie said...

No, that was well worth the drive! All of those yummy colors are magnificent!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Fiery sky, beautiful shots!

I have shots of sunny skies while travelling!

DrillerAA said...

Incredible set of photos.

Kramer said...

amazing sunset captures!

Ralph said...

The sky seems to be ablaze with orange, red and yellow. A nice look at God's idea of beauty, the look of a fine day in heaven (in my imagination, that is). The wide sky here is a heavenly bit of art, all beautiful captures!

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone painted the sky. I can even imagine the brush marks! Glad you grabbed your camera and your husband to take these shots, :)