Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Spaceship Cake

Monday, April 28, 2008
Meteor!! Space part 3

I also have a new technique in listening to books on tape. I usually always get our books on tape from the library, and I have begun ordering the book on tape, along with another copy of the book so there isn't any disagreement about who will get to hold the book. I may have to start ordering two extra copies of the books because Luke is really enjoying read alouds.
We are also very lucky that Grandpa H. has a real, genuine meteorite from outer space.
There is wonderful story about this meteorite.
My Grandma G was born in 1909 and she told a story about how one night when she was a young girl she was looking out her bedroom window and saw a "shower of fire" fall down from the sky right behind the barn. Nothing more came of this at that time. I don't know if people thought she was dreaming or just making things up, but at the time nothing was found.
We jump ahead to 1964. My mom and dad were living in a trailer on the same farm Grandma grew up on. Dad began work on a garden behind the barn. He was making hills for planting cucumbers, tossing out rocks as he came to them. He tossed one away, but realizing it felt awfully heavy he retreived it and put it in his pocket. When he got home he washed it off and as the dirt fell away it was shiny and Dad new immediately what he had.
It is quite heavy, consisting of nickel and iron. Dad tried to saw into it with a hacksaw to see the inside but it actually wore the teeth off the hacksaw blade after only cutting into the meteorite a 16th of an inch.
We are so proud to be able to hold this meteorite that came to us from outer space.
Space lapbook and study part 2

We have also been enjoying many books of fiction about space. I made a little booklet to add to our lapbook. Inside, I printed pictures of the covers of the books we have read to be a reminder of the fun books we have discovered.
Stayed tuned for more exciting space fun planned for this week!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
His season has begun!
Note to self....
Friday, April 25, 2008
We have blasted off into outer space!

I bought this mobile kit. I haven't opened it yet, since I will use it for our "grand finale" project. Hopefully, it won't be too hard, and the kids themselves will be able to acheive nice results. Here are a few of our "fact" books that we have been using. I have a couple more requested from my local library such as First Space Encyclopedia-a DK book. Of course, we have also been using a lot of resources from the internet, especially Enchanted Learning, from which I have found a lot of elements for our lapbook.
I have also been having fun searching for space related fiction picture books. If you know of any, please leave a comment. These are so fun. We have been learning to pick out fact from fiction, and been learning about how fun it is to use our imaginations. I want the kids to try and write a outer space story together next week.
And now, the beginnings of Our Space Lapbook.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Nature in the backyard

We don't see these here very often, but on occasion, one will pass through.