What I found at 2:05!
What I found at 2:05!
After reading, the kids drew pictures of the kind of fish they would like to find in an amazing pool. Mark's is above, it is a meat eating, two headed fish that can bite through steel.
Gracie's fish are a queen, a princess, and a very friendly octopus, that live together and care about the ocean. (There is most certainly a difference between the imagination's of boys and girls.)
They have continued with their pictures and are now stapling alot of paper together so that they can make their own books about the sea creatures they imagined.
The next book is The Lorax. This book goes along nicely with McElligot's Pool because of the eniviromental message that they both have, with The Lorax having a much bigger message.
Greed leads to the end of the Truffula Trees in this story, and we learn the far reaching consequences of they loss of the trees. The animals have to leave, the birds fly away, the fishes future are dreary, and finally, the Lorax ....."gives a sad backward glance...as he lifts himself by the seat of his pants.....and he took leave of this place, through a hole in the smog, without leaving a trace."
The only chance for the future is with a little boy, who finds out, "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
This led to a very nice lesson on how we can take care of our planet, and we discussed recycling, and conservation, and how even children can help our world.
We then made a wreath for our "learning wall" with an idea I found at DLTK Kids crafts.
Here is a picture of out "learning wall" so far. We have been having a great time with Dr. Seuss.
Later, we hardboiled some eggs so that we could investigate them.
We peeled our eggs very carefully and found all the main parts, then we drew and labeled what our eggs looked like. I also found a fun book about eggs at Enchanted Learning.
It is a layered book that begins with a robin's egg and continues with the eggs getting bigger and bigger until...
it ends with a dinosaur egg.
Babies have been a constant in this house for the past 21 years-so we started by spending a lot of the afternoon looking through shoe boxes full of old (and new) photos.
I decided that we would make a collage of baby pictures that would be a constant reminder that "a person's a person, no matter how small!" I took this time to also remind the children the important job they have in praying for unborn babies in danger of abortion. We have always spiritually adopted babies in danger of abortion and this book helps bring the whole idea of the sanctity of life into a format that even my younger children can understand.
We had fun collecting our photos! We discussed the morals of this story and put them on our collage.
We glued the baby pictures around a photo of some on the family at the March for Life in Washington DC.
We all love our final display.
Later, Gracie and I made this very cute and easy "Horton" the elephant paper bag puppet. I found the instrustions and template for it at Dltk's crafts for kids. All in all, we had a very successful Horton Hears a Who day.
The first story we delved into was Yertle the Turtle. We discussed how many a Dr. Seuss' books have morals, lessons that everyone can learn from.
We made a poster, and everyone discussed the moral of this story. This was very insightful, it made me realize how thoughtful even my youngest kids are, but my favorite had to be,"if you burp, good things might happen."
We went on to tongue twisters next, with the book Fox on Socks. I do need to tell you where I found these wonderful books and stuffed animals. They came from Kohls. The books and animals are only $5.00 each and 100 percent of the net profits of these go to helping children in our community. You can learn about them at Kohls Cares for Kids.
Everyone enjoyed twisting their tongues around this book.
On the drive home we saw about ten white-tail deer in a group along the side of the road. We stopped, and they posed for me so I could get these pictures, another bonus attraction in the mountains.
I have found a great looking unit study at Homeschoolshare. There is also a Seussville web site that looks like fun.
I found some printable and coloring pages at this site.
If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear from you!
We will keep you updated as we follow our Dr. Seuss Trail.
We also made copies of the Cross of Benedict as found in the book, The Holy Twins. I found a template for this cross over at Gray Family Circus. Thank you Andrea!
Mark's finished product, all ready to be proudly displayed on our "learning wall."