Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Shrine of the North American Martyrs--August 9. 2015

We made a trip to Auriesville this past August.  It was a wonderful time.  
We took all the kids that could fit in our van.
We try to get here at least once a summer. 
Luke knows with way to go....
On the walk down the ravine you read the story of these amazing men who loved Our Lord and the Mohawk Indians they were willing to give their lives for them.

I love that Luke's scapular is showing.

The first chapel is shown below.

This is the "hill of torture"  At the bottom of this valley is the Mohawk River.
The Coliseum...outside and inside.

Theresa's Rosary

The memorial for the unborn

Waiting for Mass....What a wonderful day. 

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