Friday, January 3, 2014

A Penguin Snow Measuring Stick

This morning in the mail we received our January Carefree Craft packages.  It was perfect timing because the kids are getting bored with their Christmas break.
A more perfect thing we discovered was the Penguin Snow Measuring Stick.  Yesterday we had a we were all ready to measure.
 It turned out very cute.  I think I will put a magnet on the back a stick it to the fridge so that it can be easily found when needed.
 And the grand total is.....
 about 8 inches of fresh snow since yesterday. 
I believe we lasted a total of about 7 minutes outdoors today...the temp is now 1 degree...a big increase from the -10 this morning with a windchill of -27. 
Happy winter, everyone.


  1. So glad to see you back! I missed your annual Christmas pictures!

  2. Hi Joann! My name is Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog that I was hoping you could answer! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
