Friday, August 30, 2013

The sun is going down on summer

 The summer days are coming to a close as the sun goes down on our local beach.
 New haircuts
 You can't escape me, Laura!

 Amy stills loves trying to dig to the deepest hole of the season.
 Now that's the way we roll, Laura!
 Did he learn to float this summer?
 Mark and Amy, still digging.
 That's getting pretty deep.
 Luke couldn't reach the bottom of the hole, I forbid the kids from lowering him in to touch bottom.
 Beaches are only open for 3 more days...this may be our last splash of 2013.
We even got Daddy out to the beach today....complete with boots on..sitting under a shade tree.

1 comment:

  1. It's always a bummer when summer is winding down and you realize the swimming season is coming to an end! How I would love a beautiful beach like yours nearby! Stuck here in central Ohio we have pools.... Which we enjoyed today for the last time this season. I guess it's time to look ahead to football, pumpkins and falling leaves!
