Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yarn Along....

I'm finishing up the last pair of mittens for the last Christmas hat, mitten and slipper set.
I certainly won't miss knitting these certain items....but it makes me happy to think a child will be cozy because of my knitting.
We are reading Bartholomew's Passage every day for our Advent read aloud. We are all enjoying it very much. It contains a chapter a day for each day in Advent.
Last year we read Destination Bethlehem which we loved. I will have to take turns year after year with these to great books.
Share want you are knitting and reading over at Ginny's blog.


  1. doesn't it just warm your heart to knit warmth for others?

  2. Your knitted gloves look so warm and cozy, I'm with warms my heart too to know they will be warm because of what I knit for them!

  3. They look cute and sparkly. :) Fun!

  4. Yay for sparkles! I never get enough sprinkled throughout my life. ;)

  5. Hooray for being finished :) They look fantastic and just special gifts for your family :) Enjoy the rest of your week!
