Sunday, September 5, 2010

Skype--Makes My Monday!!!!

I may have mentioned, (about 100 times) that Danny left for the seminary 2 weeks ago.
He is about 4 hours from home.
Well, let me tell you!!! The thing that "Makes My Monday" and everyday has to be Skype.
And by the looks of this photo, it makes Dan's brothers and sisters Monday, and everyday, also!!
Share your Makes My Monday post over at Twinfatuation.


  1. Hooray for Skype! It is so important to us too. If it weren't for Skype, my son wouldn't know his grandparents nearly as well as he does, since they live across country (one set) and across the world (the other set). It's wonderful that it can help your family stay "together".

  2. Such a cool way to keep in touch! haven't tried it yet, but will eventually.

  3. We've not Skyped yet either, but were JUST talking about it tonight! Our two love their cousins, and how nice it will be to communicate "face-to-face"...or at least the next best thing. Hooray for Jetsons' phone! ;)

    Thank you for playing along with Makes My Monday!
