Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Day at Wolf Oak Acres

Matt works down the road at Wolf Oak Acres farm.

What a fun place to take the kids.

The owners were kind enough to open this, there first weekend, for free to the families of their workers.

I sure am glad we took advantange of this opportunity, because we ALL had a blast.

Be prepared for a very photo heavy post---(my favorite kind of post)
This is one cool cowboy.
Amy, you may need a bigger horse.

The "corn crib", filled with 3 tons of corn, to jump, swim and be buried in.

You will notice a new person in many of these photos.

Everytime I wanted to join the kids in their fun, I handed my camera to, to my surprise, I keep finding myself among the pictures.!

In case you haven't seen me lately, I am wearing the Holy Cross sweatshirt.

Matt giving Kimmy lasso lessons.

That's a lot of rope for a little girl.

She did it !

Again, I'm caught on film. (What was I caught on? I know this isn't film?)

What a cowgirl!!!

You may notice I let go of both ends of the rope.. That would probably cause some sort of trouble is I was roping a real cow.

On to ride a cow.

Getting the "thumbs up" from our driver---Matt!!

This was sooooo fun!!!

Quite bumpy, but very fun!!

These are some serious pedal cars.

I would love one of these for each member of the family---we would be in great physical shape in no time.

They had the perfect sized car for everyone.

Kimmy needed a little push every once in a while.

Go Laura, Go Laura!!

Yep, Daddy got in on the fun too!

Not the right size for you, Amy!


Unusual stance, but I was the closest to the target!

A little duck racing

Luke is trying his luck racing 3 ducks at once.

Sluicing for precious stones

Luke hit the jackpot with an obsidion arrowhead.

Sorting through some of their great finds!

This is too cool for a 5 year old boy...

Here we go....wish us luck...I believe we will need it.....

This is the map of the most awesome cornmaze in Central New York.

I love all the fingers pointing in different directions in this photo.

We did eventually make it out.

We were told the easy path would take about 30 minutes....I think it took us a little longer. That may have been because of all the opinions each bend in the path caused.

A few more time around the pedal car track before heading for home.

Check out the whistle in Daddy's mouth!!

If you're told to put away your car, it's time to head for home, you might as well run a few laps around the track.
Thank-you, Wolf Oak Acres for a wonderful day.


  1. What an amazing and fun family day!

  2. What a fun place! And Joann, I think we can say you were "caught on candid camera"! The best kind of pictures! :)

  3. Looks like a great day! I just showed your great photos to our kids and they whish they could go there too :)
    I love your other postings too!
    Don't know if I introduced myself already: we're a family of 6, homeschooling too, living in Switzerland. If you'd like to know more, don't hesitate to have a look at our blog or ask me.

  4. Wow! What an awesome place! It looks more like an amusement park than a farm!!! LOL!

  5. Omigosh! Corn crib? Corn cannon? Lasso-ing? Looks like SUCH an incredible place and such an incredible family time!

    You say photo heavy, but think it was JUST right! :)

    Thank you so much for playing along with Makes My Monday!

  6. Love the photos. Looks you you guys had so much fun.

  7. Hopping over from Makes My Monday. LOVE the corn cannon! Your photos make me want to venture out on our yearly pumkpin finding trip! They actually have a pumpkin cannon where we go!

  8. Oh my gosh, that looks like a blast! How lucky to have a great place like that. Loved all the pictures.

  9. This looks like such a fun day and makes me want to play!

  10. wow loved all the great pictures how much fun it all looks like very cool
