Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mm is for Monster truck--Lowes Build and Grow

Luke and Kim enjoyed their first Lowe's Build and Grow clinic this morning.
Grace and Mark have attended many building sessions, so they are pros. (Although poor Mark was sick this morning, so he had to miss this week)
I brought Amy and Laura along to be "partners" to the little kids.
Thank you very much, girls. I couldn't have done it without you!
Kimmy is reading the instructions right along with Amy.
Laura had to be careful---Luke's hammer aim isn't quite "there" yet.
I love big kids happily helping little kids.
It makes my heart all warm and mushy.
Luke taking careful aim.
Now he's trying a power shot.
Great job kids.

Kim and Luke each got an apron. All three kids got a patch to sew on their aprons, a certificate, and a coupon for a free frosty from Wendy's.
If you haven't check out this Saturday morning program, it is worth your time.

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