Thursday, March 4, 2010

Looking at the sky on Friday

Oh, how I dream of spring!! But you can't deny the beauty of the cold winter sky!


  1. Same here..dreaming of warm spring days but enjoy the beautiful sky on a cold clear day.
    I like the filtered sunlight here.
    Nice shot!

  2. The lovely style of winter is undeniable, the brilliant blue adds to the beauty. As I age, I don't have the passion for playing in the snow as when a child, where during a day of sledding I was never too cold to cease outdoor activity until the daylight came to a close...

  3. It's almost as if the sky and the ground are a reflection of one another. Good photo, but I'm ready for warm weather too.

    Grandma's Friday Sky

  4. What a lovely sky and huge amount of snow you have. My little southern belle wouldn't know what to do with all that snow. ~ Calico Contemplations
