Monday, March 15, 2010

The first spring flowers--Make my Monday

Even though there is still snow on the ground in patches, and the main landscape color is brown, dull and drab, these beautiful little flowers have made their appearence to brighten our March landscape!
What Makes your Monday? Head on over to Twinfatuation and share!


  1. That is so pretty. Wow you still have a bunch of snow. Ours is gone for the most part. It has been outstanding weather for March. The past couple days have been more typical of early spring-like weather though. Hopefully the 50 degrees will help with melting some of that snow so spring-training can get into full swing. Take care!
    xoxo Jenny

  2. As soon as I saw those buttercups on your header my Monday was made!
    Thanks so much for playing along so beautifully!

  3. I am sooooo jealous. We still have a bunch of snow. But my kids just informed me that the crocuses *are* starting to come up, so maybe we won't be too far behind!
