Thursday, January 22, 2009

Small Successes

"It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So let’s do that." Danielle Bean written at Faith and Family Live
Faith and Family Live has begun sponsoring a weekly event highlighting the importance of our daily triumphs!Bis or small, but as we usually find out, the small greatly outnumber the large.
My Small Successes this week were:
1. Spending an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese for my 9 year olds birthday, and managing to still be smiling after 3 hours. (This might fall under a "big" success.)
2. Made a carrot cake for the family, who were pleased that we weren't taking it anywhere.
3. Finished knitting a baby blanket-which has been mailed out-and is a secret--SSSHHHH!
This is a very interesting thing to think about-our daily "small successes". It is important to focus on these successes occasionally so this world doesn't manage to beat us down.
Visit Faith and Family Live and inspire yourself and others.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great idea!!! It could definitely help me during these dark, cold days of winter.

    Heather - Doodle Acres
