Monday, July 21, 2008

A Day of Blessings

Pat and I were honored to spend our 22nd wedding anniversary celebrating the blessing of Stacy and Paul's marriage in the Catholic Church.

It was absolutely beautiful.

I pray that God will bless this wonderful family for many, many years to come.

Jenny and Sue provided lovely music during the service.

Stacy, Paul, Ava, and Brendan with Grandma and Grandpa H.

I was great to see all the babies and children that I don't see nearly enough. Above is Elsie Rae of Elsie Rae of Sunshine fame.

Brendan is usually much happier, as can be seen at Ave Elizabeth and Brendan James.

Here is my sister, Sue, also known very well as Grandma G, with Emmy. You can catch up on Emmy and her sister's at My Three Girls.
My nieces Jessie and Cassie
Georgia and Grandpa H.
Georgia entertained us with her great singing, along with Rick and Jenny. I hear that we missed some of the other kids singing and I am very sorry about that. We have to have another party again soon so that we can hear the whole concert!
Brendan knows that the parties over!!


  1. Congratulations to the both of them and may they have a life of happiness.

  2. Joann and Pat-Congratulations on your 22 years of marriage!! What an inspiration to many of your struggles and joys, putting your trust and hope in our Lord. Kim
