Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This and That

Our day started out a little stressful today because Gracie had a doctor's appointment. She needed a physical and three shots. I don't keep these things from my children. I don't want them to be surprised about what is going on, so I told her about the shots before we left the house....so.....she started to cry....before we left the house. Her crying reached a climax as she received her shots. I believe her shrieks could be heard outside the building. The next time, it will be a secret until they bring out the needles.
Because of her trauma, I proceeded to spoil this poor little tremendously. I purchased for her the "Little People" nativity and the "Little People" campsite set. You can see above that all her "Little People" spent some time adoring Jesus in the manger.

Later in the day, when everything was calmed down, we made very cute hand print turkeys. I got the idea and pattern from my favorite craft site--DLTK Crafts
Her turkey puppet came from Joann's Fabrics--it gobbles--loudly.
Mark also made use some very delicious chocolate pudding on the stove.
Thank you, Mark, for a very yummy dessert!

As many of you may know, we have been studying Australia, and today we read a wonderful book, Flood Fish. It told us about the rains that come only every few years to the desert areas of Australia. Amazingly, full grown fish appear in the river that is made by the floodwater. Scientists still aren't sure how this happens. There are many theories in the story which we discussed and analyzed. Everyone in the house got into the discussion, from Daddy on down to Grace. It was a very good read aloud.


  1. What do I get if I cry? I had to go to the ER last week. That has to be good for something. Grace, I'm sorry about your shots. I hope that you feel better. Mark, you are a good son and brother to make such a nice dessert for everyone.

  2. yeah Gracie for coming out okay-have fun playing and preparing for Jesus. Kim
