Monday, July 30, 2007

Shrine of the North American Martyrs

The shrine is located in Fonda NY, about an hour and a half drive from our house.

Everyone was with us except Pat Jr. and Matt. They both had to work.

This shrine is located on the grounds of the Mohawk Indian village, Ossernenon, where Kateri was born in 1656. She was also baptized here in the year 1676.

Above is a prayer for the canonization of Blessed Kateri. She was declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II in 1980.

Also on the grounds is a replica of the first Rosary in this part of the country. It is made of rocks. A thirteen year old Indian girl made this to teach others to say the rosary. Her story is below.

The Coliseum is one of the first circular churches in the United States. Built in 1930, it holds about 6000 people.

This statue of Blessed Kateri is made of wood.

These grounds are also the site of the martyrdoms of St. Isaac Jogues, St. Rene Goupil, and St John LaLande.
You can take a virtual tour of the shire at the link HERE.


  1. Oh, I love this holy place! These picures are so wonderful. Many, may thanks for posting this!

  2. Looking at the pics and going on tour felt like I was there. Thanks for the trip, lol. Enjoy your week, Kim
