Thursday, July 12, 2007

Green Lakes State Park

Today we spent the afternoon at Green Lakes State Park. It was a glorious day.
The picture above show the actual color of the lake. It is a true aqua marine--spectacular.
There is a scientific explanation of this coloring if you care to explore it at this link.
I was also thrilled to see a Common Loon on the lake.
This water bird is one of my favorites. It is not a duck as some people might think, and if you would like to learn more about it you can click on the name above. (Kim)

We were blessed with the company of friends also.

Kim and I pose here with the Luke and Kimberly.

Of course, the day would not have been complete without a swim in the crystal clear lake.


  1. Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! What a FUN day!!!

  2. Three cheers to our wonderful day! I'm staying up later to make it last longer (and I have homework to do). Thanks for the memorable outing-looking forward to many more. KIM

  3. okay, it's not a duck.

  4. I'm green with envy!!!!!!!!!! You guys have all the fun.
