Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Congratulations Laura!!!

Tonight we celebrated Laura's graduation from sixth grade. It was a very enjoyable evening with 6 of her homeschooled friends.
We went out to a "fancy" restaurant.

The kids had their own table and behaved themselves very appropriately.

Becky made a lovely cake to help the kids celebrate.

This was a very special evening for just our sixth graders. It was nice to have one on one time with these special young ladies and gentlemen.
We all posed proudly with our children at the end of the night.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!

  2. they are all growing up so fast. it's hard to believe. congrats.

  3. Good Job All-Congratulations.

    Aunt Jean

  4. What a fun time! Congrats to the Grads!

  5. Congratulations to All!!!!!
    It is a beautiful and handsome group of students. It is also a wonderful group of friends, students and adults. Congratulations, also, to the parents for a job well done!!
    G. Mama & G. Papa

  6. Sixth Grade Graduation was awesome! We certainly had a good time. Thank you for posting our evening on your blog. Thank you Becky, for making our cake...the Herters

  7. How great is that! Such a nice celebration.

  8. This was ssssoooo much fun!!!
