ht:Homeschooling in the Gardening State
This was a fun quiz! Try it for yourself!
You Are Christmas |
More than most people, you are able to find magic in life's small moments. Traditions mean a lot to you, and you tend to be quite nostalgic. You are a giving, kind person who really understands the true meaning of holidays. You inspire others to be as altruistic and caring as you are. What makes you celebrate: Tradition and a generous spirit At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The storyteller. You like to recount memories with everyone. On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Give a gift to everyone you know |
We put water in a pot and put it on the stove. This represents groundwater and water in lakes, rivers, and the oceans.
We turned on the heat and waited for the water to begin to evaporate. The heat of the stove represents the sun. We saw the water turn to steam and water vapor(which we have learned is invisible).
In another pot we put ice. We had also kept this pot in the freezer while we got started. We placed the cold icy pot over the water vapor(steam). The water vapor turned back into liquid on the outside of the cold pot-just like water vapor outside turns into liquid as it cools high in the atmosphere.
When enough water vapor turned into liquid on the pot, the drops got so heavy, they dropped(rained) back into the "lake" where collection of the water takes place-thus completing the water cycle.
Pretty simple, but very entertaining for easily amazed children.
Luke looks a little suspicious. I think I told him to stop eating "stuff".
Becky made a cake so that we could celebrate Matt's birthday with everyone.
"Get ready! Make a wish!
On the way home we saw a whole flock of Hooded Mergansers in Leeland's pond near Hamilton. It is amazing, I had never seen this type of duck until a week ago, and now I have seen a flock of them.
It certainly was a yummy, yummy day!
I found this great site to print out Pysanky eggs to color. We made these last year and I felt it was worth it to do again, especially after reading Rechenka's Eggs.
The candy has turned out lovely-but it has been a real temptation during these last few day before Easter.
Becky made the crowd pleasing peanut-butter balls-yum!yum!!
Yesterday we made stained glass pictures with crayon shavings. I will not post the directions because my niece Jenny had this idea and posted the directions over at her blog My Three Girls.
This morning, after much anticipation, we colored our Easter Eggs! We used the good old box of coloring-the kind that contains the little magic color pills that disolve in water and vinegar.
Before coloring out eggs, we enjoyed the wonderful book- The Legend of the Easter Egg.
One April morning Thomas and his sister Lucy are gathering eggs from the hens and discussing Easter. But Lucy falls ill with scarlet fever before she gets a chance to tell him about Easter eggs. Thomas is sent to the local candy shop merchants, John and Mary, while his sister is quarantined. One day, when Thomas is lonely and frightened about Lucy, Mary gives him a chocolate Easter egg and tells him the story of Jesus's resurrection.
"But why do we have Easter eggs?" Thomas asked.
Mary explained. "Just as a chick breaks out of an egg, so had Jesus broken free of the tomb of death. Easter eggs remind us that Jesus conquered death and gives us eternal life."
When we finished coloring the eggs and they were dry, Gracie applied the very amusing face stickers!